About us
Automotive Management Solutions Limited has been created to cater for the post-accident demand for the provision of ‘like 4 like’ vehicles to private individuals and commercial companies alike.
From our own fleet of vehicles and from our extensive range of Hire Partners we can provide any type of vehicle from a small family hatchback to a large commercial vehicle.
We also provide post-accident replacement vehicles for several of our Insurance Broker Partners where their clients insurers will only supply a courtesy vehicle from their national approved repairer networks, which are normally NOT on a ‘like-4-like’ basis.
It is also possible for us to provide ‘like-4-like’ replacement vehicles for Fault accidents under our short-term rental plan allowing you the convenience of having time to source and choose your replacement vehicle once the settlement figure has been established with your insurer.
Courtesy Car
A lot of insurers will only supply a replacement car if your car is not a write-off. Additionally, a high percentage of insurers will take you out of any courtesy car, once they have established your car is a write-off, leaving you with no car, and waiting to be paid out. We will always supply the best car possible; for example if you require a large saloon or people carrier we will ensure you receive the best car for your specific needs.
We often supply higher grade courtesy car than those the insurer will pay for and will delivery the car to your home and pick it up once you no longer require it. Of course if your car is a write-off, we supply you with a replacement until you have been paid out, along with a further week; giving you time to make your appointments and source a new car. In the instance your vehicle is still able to be driven, we will arrange for a replacement to be delivered once your car goes in for repairs, when your car is ready we’ll pick it up when you collect your vehicle.
Credit Hire Explained
If you have a road traffic accident which is not your fault and your car is made un-roadworthy by the accident you are entitled to obtain a replacement vehicle on a like for like basis. If you cannot afford to pay for repairs or a replacement car "upfront" the Law allows you to obtain a replacement vehicle on a Credit Hire basis. THIS IS NOT A COURTESY CAR. The Credit Hire charges are more than the "upfront" hire charges because the Hire Company is not going to be paid at the start of the Hire period.
In order to recover the increased Credit Hire charges the Court will need to be satisfied that you cannot pay for either the repairs to your vehicle or to cover the cost of a replacement vehicle without incurring an unreasonable sacrifice. The Court will generally require to see 3 months Bank/Building Society and Credit Card statements for a period of 3 months prior to the accident and then throughout the hire period. The Court may in addition also require to see evidence of income for the same period. Whether the Court will consider you to be impecunious (i.e. unable to pay upfront Hire charges) depends upon your circumstances. It isn't simply a question of how much money you earn. Some people may earn a considerable amount of money but they may have significant outgoings like a large mortgage or school fees or something of that sort. We will be able to give you advice as to whether or not you are likely to establish that you are impecunious or not.
We arrange access to Credit Hire vehicles of all kinds Nationwide including plated Taxis, Coaches and other specialist vehicles as well as what might be regarded as standard vehicles.
It's important to realise that even if you have a Comprehensive insurance policy you are still entitled to pursue a claim for a replacement vehicle on a standard hire basis or a credit hire basis without having to make a claim on that policy. There is no need for you to lose your No Claims Bonus or to pay an excess because someone else has crashed into you.
You need to be aware that Defendant Insurance Companies may seek to persuade you that you should accept a car offered by them. Such cars are often not on a like for like basis. The availability of the vehicle may be limited in time and may require a deposit. They may also not include things like satellite navigation. There may be issues about excesses and waivers and insurance cover, particularly if you are a young driver or you have got a poor driving record. You should never accept an offer of a replacement vehicle from a Defendant Insurer without taking legal advice.
Uninsured Loss Recovery (ULR)
What is uninsured loss recovery?
It is a form of legal expenses insurance, normally taken out with your vehicle insurance at inception of the policy cover, that helps you recover money you have paid out following a vehicle accident that was not your fault and which is not covered by your own motor policy. This can be compensation for personal injury, the excess on your policy, cost of car hire, taxis, public transport, phone calls, damage to your clothes.
How does it work?
Your comprehensive policy indemnifies you for repairs to your car, which your insurer gets back from the guilty side, but will not pay for out-of-pocket expenses. When you are the innocent victim of an accident, the guilty driver's insurer will pay these but not without at least checking and possibly fighting. Uninsured loss recovery provides someone to argue your case for you, but you must keep evidence of any money you spend.
Post Accident Uninsured Loss Recovery
If you have NOT taken out any form of separate ULR policy or it is NOT included in your standard motor insurance policy, then you can appoint an accident management company to undertake the possible recovery of your out of pocket expenses and any personal injury.
We at Automotive Management Solutions, have close relationships with a number of established accident management companies covering the length and breadth of the UK, who would be happy to assist wherever possible.